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Given the situation linked to the Coronavirus epidemic which is affecting the whole world, the Trail des 2 Amants organization team would like to keep you informed_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ on the situation as of March 9, 2020.

New restrictive provisions around events general public were released by the authorities on March 8, 2020. These directives concern events with more than 1,000 participants.

To date, it is impossible for us to project ourselves on the evolution of the epidemic but we are already working on different scenarios905cc758c1de -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ which could be put in place depending on the restrictions imposed on us by the date of the TDA.

In order to be able to cope with this new restriction, we have decided to reduce the quotas per event, in order to reduce the number of participants for this edition.
The gymnasium will only be authorized for participants, accompanying persons will have to stay outside.


Of course, we will inform you of the measures and modifications taken, depending on the evolution of its restrictions.

To date, the organization team reiterates its desire to maintain the Trail des 2 Amants 2020 and we are working tirelessly to_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ celebrating 10 years together.
Nevertheless,  everyone's health remains our priority, and  the resulting government directives and restrictions  sanitary facilities, _35-958190bb -136bad5cf58d_will remain the guide of our decisions to come.

No need to send us emails or call us to know the measures taken. We are like you, we follow the news, and our desire is to offer you a great event, and in complete safety.


In hoping for a positive evolution of the situation, we advise you to continue your physical and mental preparation, sport remaining the best way to stay healthy 😉

See you soon, sportingly
The organizing team of the Trail des 2 Amants.


Depuis, le sommet porte le nom de Côte des deux amants. Ne pas manquer d’y monter, si vous en avez encore la force, pour profiter d’une vue fabuleuse sur la vallée où s’enlacent la Seine et l’Andelle : même la géographie s’en mêle ! Le fantôme de Raoul hanterait le secteur entre les châteaux de Canteloup et de Bonnemare, en passant par l’abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontaine-Guérard et le sommet maudit où, saisi de remords, le père de Mathilde fit ensuite édifier un prieuré. Aujourd’hui, c’est un ravissant Jardin des deux amants qui y accueille le promeneur.


Mesure toi à la légende et participe à la montée

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